Legal Information

Site i-S€PA is published by:

56 rue de Panicale ZA de l'Agiot 78320 LA VERRIERE - France
SIRET : 50356677000015
SAS with a capital of €521,445

Editor : Patrice POCHARD, CEO

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES site's content, services , software , drawings, models , databases , trademarks and logos are the property of CASYOPE SERVICES which holds the intellectual property rights . The user undertakes to respect these rights and especially not to reproduce and / or copy and / or distribute and / or distribute and / or disclose and / or transfer and / or represent the foregoing in any other media without the prior written consent of the company CASYOPE SERVICES .

The company CASYOPE SERVICES which publishes the site only grants the user a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use ( by using means fair use characterized by navigation, participation and choice subscribe to different services) of its site, and therefore reserves all other rights to the elements that make up its site and services.

All trademarks and logos mentioned on the site are the property of their legal owners and do not confer any rights to the users of the site


Phone: +33 (0) 1 30 16 26 80
General information:

Accordance with the law n ° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 , users are encouraged to report any content of an illegal nat.